McDowell County is the southernmost county in West Virginia.

McDowell County has a rich history and is best known for its coal production and beautiful scenic mountains.

McDowell County is home to the Head of the Dragon self-guided motorcycle tour that is hosted every fall in Kimball, WV.

McDowell County has an abundance of areas where train enthusiasts can watch trains to their hearts content.

McDowell County is a place you can come to get away from it all.

In the last few years, McDowell County has been a hub for Dirt Bike/ATV/SXS riding.  With that being said, McDowell County has 2 Hatfield and McCoy Trails, the “Warrior Trail” and “Indian Ridge Trail”.  There is also direct access to 2 others, “Pinnacle” and “Pocahontas”. A few towns in McDowell County also have close access to Spearhead Trails in Virginia.

McDowell County is also known to be a Dirt Bike/ATV/SXS friendly county. 

The Town of Bradshaw is almost in the center of McDowell County and is within a 20 minute drive from the “Warrior” Hatfield and McCoy trail in War, WV and less than a 30 minute drive from the “Coal Canyon” Spearhead trail in Jewell Valley, VA. Bradshaw is also about a 20 minute drive from the Wilmore Dam, a must see for trail riders. Bradshaw is surrounded by beautiful scenic mountain trails and is now home to Hometown Trail Days. 

We hope that you will come visit McDowell County and the Town of Bradshaw where cell phone service is weak but hospitality is strong because we treat everyone like family. We hope that you will make our hometown YOUR hometown.

I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself.”

Maya Angelou

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